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Air Transportation Regulation


Dangerous Goods Regulations 49CFR Parts 100-185,International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)regulations apply to all Lithium-Ion battery transport.

Air Transportation Declaration

Videndum Production Solutions, declares that the Anton/Bauer Lithium-Ion battery packs contain equivalent Lithium content (ELC) in a quantity exceeding 8 grams and therefore is considered and must be handled and transported as a class 9 Hazardous article and is subject to regulation under Dangerous Good Regulations.

49CFR PARTS 100-185

Since the interpretation and application of regulations may vary with the aviation company, the transport of the Anton/Bauer Series battery maybe disallowed even when the conditions described above are satisfied. Anton/Bauer therefore strongly recommends that you consult with your transportation company prior to transporting the battery pack.